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A&N's Suds-N-Such & JNWCrochet


Well this part may be a little long so grab some coffee and pull up your chair. Now make sure you are nice and comfy. Ready? Good. 

My journey into soap making started oh around the first of the year in 2012. Yep, not too long ago huh? I started with learning to make our own laundry detergent because we had just found out I was pregnant with our second son, Noah, and we needed to save some moolah. Any who that was about all I did as far as making our own products until little Noah was born. Of course at this time Austin was running full speed in his 2 1/2 year old state. Shew, what was I thinking? 

Noah came home after 8 days in NICU from being preemie. I know long story... Hang in their... I will get to the good parts. After just a few weeks at home it became apparent that Noah had skin troubles. Who wants their little baby on steroids at 4 weeks old? Not me! So this is when the obsession started... soaps, lotions, body butter and lip balm and yes, the list goes on and on and on. After about 3 months of research and getting the nerve up, I made our first batch of soap. I was so excited but it was SOOO ugly. I didn't care. It worked! If you have ever made soap and remember the first time you made it and it actually made bubbles, you know what I am talking about! 

From that point on, I tweaked and played with my soap recipe until I landed on my gold mine. I found the recipe that I love and that loved our skin! I needed something that would cleanse but be very gentle on my children's skin and my own. I have a long history of skin issues myself. Guess Noah took after his momma in that part. Now Austin on the other hand has his fathers skin which is fantastic. NOT FAIR!! 

So there you have it. My little story. Hope I didn't bore you to death. Still have some coffee left? I like coffee, well not really. I like the smell but don't make me drink the stuff! Guess I should say in the beginning to grab your drink of choice? Oh who cares I'm not going back to change it.